09 December 2016

Selz, Kutschurgan

Selz, also known as Limanskoye, was one of six Mother colonies in the Kutschurgan district. It was founded in 1808 by families from Alsace, the Palatinate, Baden, Prussia and Austria.  It was the administrative center of the Kutschurgan district until 1871.

By 1912, its population of Selz reached 2,966. This was an eightfold increase from 1811.  Since there wasn't enough land for the growing community, almost half of the residents were engaged in some sort of craft or trade. There were nine flour mills, and iron foundry, a plumbing shop, four paint shops, six cabinet shops, 49 woodworking shops and 29 blacksmiths. There were 32 stores and shops, and it also was home to 20 wine taverns and three whiskey stores.

Selz was a Catholic colony but note that there is a Jewish cemetery on this map drawn in 1944.

Plat map of Selz, Kutschurgan
Source: Paradise on the Steppe, p. 264-65

Location of Selz, Kutschurgan



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