Neu-Oneschti was founded 1890 near Alt-Oneschti (founded 1885) and Strymbeni (founded 1881). All three were Protestant colonies settled on leased land. Although the population in 1904 was 170 and 324 in 1939, Neu-Oneschti is now defunct.
Plat map of Neu-Oneschti
Source: Jarbuch der Deutschen aus Bessarabien 1992
Map courtesy of the Black Sea German Research plat map collection
Location of Neu-Oneschti |
- Black Sea German Research website, plat map collection
- Germans from Russia Settlement Locations, Bessarabian Colonies map
- German-Russian Handbook, Ulrich Mertens, p. 557
- Jarbuch der Deutschen aus Bessarabien 1992, p. 101-103
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