In 1909, there was a post office, 2 general stores, 2 weekly newspapers, a photographer, a hotel & land office (see photo). It no longer exists. Home to Germans from the Bessarabian colonies of Friedenstal and Paris for a time.
From the South Dakota 1909 Business Directory: "A postoffice in Meade county, 66 miles northeast of Wasta, the nearest railroad point. Population: 75." There were two general stores, two weekly newspapers ("The Brushie Blade", T.H. Johnson, Editor; and "The Brushie Pilot", Balch & Duck, publishers), a photographer, a hotel and a post office. The map marker is on the homestead (SW¼ SE¼ S3 T10N R16E Black Hills PM) of the postmaster, John Reed, on what is now Brushy Creek Road.
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