
22 February 2020

Germans from Russia in America Survey Results Posted

The survey results have been posted to the Germans from Russia Settlement Locations in America website. There is a new page with and overview of the data (updated from the last post). There is also a directory of states where you can get a list of the places reported in the survey for each state along with the origins of the immigrant Germans from Russia and their descendants.

Please keep in mind that what is reported on the pages of the survey results is only what was reported in the survey by people who voluntarily responded. It does not include any information from other older published maps and sources. The survey results will be used in the map as another source.

Each state page links to a spreadsheet that you are welcome to download in whatever format you like (.xls, .pdf, etc.) and use however you like. Kindly cite where you got it from (see the bottom of each page) and then proceed to have fun with it. I'd love to hear how you use the data and what discussions come out of it.

For those who missed filling out the survey, there will be a way to contribute your family's location data in the near future.

A big thank you for all who took the time and responded to the survey to the best of your memories. I know it wasn't easy, and I appreciate the effort you all put into it.
